Friday, November 19, 2010

2011 Chevrolet Camaro V-6 engine Top Cing Cars

The 2011 Chevrolet Camaro V-6 engine completed SAE certification testing and is now officially rated at 312 horsepower at 6500 rpm and 278 lb-ft of torque at 5100 rpm. This rating is eight horsepower higher than the previous year and also marks an increase in torque from the 2010 rating of 273 lb-ft.
No physical car was because the car yet to be ordered. Chevrolet did the right thing in allowing the winner of the bid to select the color, trim, powertrain and options of the car that will be built in early 2011. Owners can either take delivery at their hometown Chevrolet dealer or pick it up at the GM heritage center. Expect the car to be a fully loaded 2SS and not an LS on 18 inch Heritage steel-wheels.